Author: Dr. Vikas Jasrotia

Case Study Questions on Solid State 1. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: All real structures are three-dimensional structures. They can be obtained by stacking two-dimensional layers one above the other while placing the second square close-packed layer above the first we follow the same rule that was followed when one row was placed adjacent to the other. The second layer is placed over the first layer such that the spheres of the upper layer are exactly above there of the first layer. In his arrangement spheres of both the layers are perfectly aligned horizontally as…

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Case Study Based Questions on Biomolecules Case Study Based Questions on Biomolecules 1. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow Monosaccharides containing an aldehyde group are called aldoses while those containing a keto group are called ketoses. All monosaccharides containing five and six carbon atoms have cyclic structures, furanose (five-membered) and pyranose (six-membered). During ring formation, C1 aldoses and C2 in ketoses becomes chiral and hence all these monosaccharides exist in two forms called the α-anomer and β-anomer while C1 and C2 are called glycosidic or anomeric carbon atoms. In contrast, stereoisomers, which differ in configuration at…

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Alcohols Phenols and Ethers Case-Based Questions Alcohols Phenols and Ethers Case-Based Questions 1. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow: Alcohols play a very important role in our daily life. Ordinary spirit used as an antiseptic contains methanol. Ethanol is present in cough syrups, tonics, wine, beer, and whisky, Sugar, starch, cellulose are carbohydrates that also contain a large number —OH groups. Phenol is also an antiseptic in low concentration (0.2%) whereas a 2% solution of phenol is used as a disinfectant. The fragrance of rose is due to citronellol (unsaturated alcohol). Phenol is used for the…

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To Get Questions Click below PRACTICE MCQS ON SOLID STATE CLASS 12 CHEMISTRY Practice MCQs (Answers) on Solid State Class 12 Chemistry Practice MCQs (Answers) on Solid State Class 12 Chemistry 1. (a) They have definite mass, volume, and shape 2. (c) Supercooled liquids 3. (d) Rubber 4. (d) Molecular crystal 5. (d) 1/8 part 6. (a) 32% 7. (b) 1 8. (d) 12 9. (c) 1/8, ½ 10. (b) Edge centres and body centre 11. (b) X4Y5 12. (a) XY3 13. (c) P2Q 14. (b) Half 15. (b) fcc> bcc > simple cubic 16. (c) a=2r 17. (c) 14…

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Practice MCQs on Solid State Class 12 Chemistry Practice MCQs on Solid State Class 12 Chemistry To get answers click the link given at the end of the post 1. Which of the following are not properties of solid? (a) They have definite mass, volume, and shape (b) Intermolecular forces are weak (c) Intermolecular distances are short (d) They are incompressible and rigid 2. Amorphous solids are (a) Solid substance in real sense           (b) Liquid in the real sense (c) Supercooled liquids                         (d) Substances with a definite melting point…

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Ligands and Classification of Ligands Ligands and Classification of Ligands Ligands: The ions or neutral molecules bound to the central atom/ion in the coordination entity are called ligands. For a species to act as a ligand, it can donate at least one pair of electrons to the central atom. The atom of the ligand which is directly bonded to the central atom or ion is called a coordinating atom or donor atom. Examples for ligands are Cl-, Br-, F-, I-, OH-, CN-, NC-, CNO-, NCO-, SO42-, NO3-, CNS-, H2O, NH3, CO, etc. Types of ligands Based on the number of…

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 Some Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry Some Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry Que 1. Select the molecule which has only one л – bond (a) CH2 = CH2 (b) CH2 = CHCHO (c) CH3CH = CH2 (d) CH3CH = CHCOOH Que 2. 2-Pentene contains (a) 15 σ – and one л – bond (b) 14 σ -and one л – bond (c) 15 σ – and two л – bonds (d) 14 σ – and two л – bonds Que 3. Which of the following does not represent the 2 – Bromo pentane? (a) (ii) and (iii) (b) Only (ii)…

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Board Important Questions Alcohol Phenol and Ethers Board Important Questions Alcohol Phenol and Ethers Que 1. Out of o-nitrophenol and p-nitrophenol, which is more volatile? Explain Ans 1. o-nitrophenol, due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding, are more volatile in nature. In para-nitrophenol, there is intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Que 2. Nitration is an example of aromatic electrophilic substitution and its rate depends upon the group already present in the benzene ring. Out of benzene and phenol, which one is more easily nitrated and why? Ans 2. Phenol will be easily nitrated since the — OH group attached to the benzene ring activates…

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Quiz on Classification of Elements and Periodic Properties Quiz on Classification of Elements and Periodic Properties The periodic table may be defined as the table which classifies all the known elements in accordance with their properties in such a way that elements with similar properties are grouped together in the same vertical column and dissimilar elements are separated from one another. Law of triads:- According to the law of triads, elements were placed in a group of 3 and they were called triads. These were placed in the increasing order of atomic masses Newland’s law of octaves:- The elements were…

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Assertion Reason Questions of Aldehydes and Ketones Assertion Reason Questions of Aldehydes and Ketones Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the options given below: (a) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. (b) If both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion. (c) If the assertion is true but the reason is false. (d) If the assertion is false but the reason is true. (e) If the assertion and reason both are false Que…

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