Author: Dr. Vikas Jasrotia

Biomolecules Assertion Reason Type Questions Biomolecules Assertion Reason Type Questions Q 1. Assertion: D (+) – Glucose is dextrorotatory in nature. Reason: D represents its dextrorotatory nature. Q 2. Assertion: Vitamin D can be stored in our body. Reason: Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. Q 3. Assertion: All naturally occurring amino acids except glycine are optically active. Reason: Most naturally occurring amino acids have L-configuration. Q 4. Assertion: Deoxyribose C5H10O4 is a carbohydrate Reason: Carbohydrates are hydrates of carbon so compounds that follow C2(H2O) formula are carbohydrates Q 5. Assertion: Glycine must be taken through diet. Reason: It is…

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Assertion Reason Questions Chemistry Class 12 Chapter 11  Assertion Reason Questions Chemistry Class 12 Chapter 11  Assertion-Reason Questions In the following questions a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choice. (a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but the reason is the correct explanation for assertion. (b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but the reason is not a correct explanation for assertion. مواقع تقبل باي بال لعبة كونكر (c) Assertion is a correct statement but the reason is a wrong statement. (d) Assertion is…

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Case Study Questions Chapter 11 Chemistry 1. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions Alcohols are some of the most important molecules in organic chemistry. Alcohols contain the hydroxy functional group (-OH), bonded to a carbon atom of an alkyl or a substituted alkyl group. The electronegativity of oxygen is substantially greater than that of carbon and hydrogen. Consequently, the covalent bonds of this functional group are polarized so that oxygen is electron-rich and both carbon and hydrogen are electrophilic. Indeed, the dipolar nature of the O–H bond is such that alcohols are much stronger acids than…

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Case Study Questions p – Block Elements Case Study Questions p – Block Elements 1. Read the passage given below and answer any four out of the following questions: Ammonia is present in small quantities in air and soil where it is formed by the decay of nitrogenous organic matter e.g., urea. On a large scale, ammonia is manufactured by Haber’s process. In accordance with Le Chatelier’s principle, high pressure would favour the formation of ammonia. Ammonia is a colourless gas with a pungent odour. Its freezing and boiling points are 198.4 and 239.7 K respectively. In the solid and…

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Organic Chemistry Practice MCQs (Answers) for Class 12 Organic Chemistry Practice MCQs (Answers) for Class 12 Ans 1. (b) Propan-2-ol       Ans 2. (d) Propanone Ans 3. (b) 1-Methylcyclohexan-1-ol Ans 4. (d) X on reaction with Na, does not produce H2 gas Ans 5. (d) Benzyl alcohol  Ans 6. (c) Treatment with pyridinium chlorochromate                 Ans 7. (b) Substitution reaction  Ans 8. (c) B, C                   Ans 9. (b) Ans 10. (b) o-nitrophenol  Ans 11. (d) m-Chlorophenol  Ans 12. (a) Propan-1-ol, butan-2-ol, butan-1-ol, pentan-1-ol       Ans 13. (a) CH3CHOHCH3           Ans 14. (c) Both types                   Ans 15. (a) Pri >…

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Organic Chemistry Practice MCQs for Class 12 Organic Chemistry Practice MCQs for Class 12 Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: Alkene hydration is a catalytic process that involves the addition of water across the double bond of an alkene to produce alcohol. This is the most direct and atom-economical approach to the synthesis of alcohols. Acid-catalyzed alkene hydration is the most well-known hydration process. This process is used industrially with several different acidic species as the catalyst, including zeolites, oxides, solid phosphoric acid, and sulfuric acid. There are several major drawbacks to this catalytic process. The…

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To get questions for the post-Chemistry Practice MCQs (Answers) for Class 12 click the link at the end of the post Chemistry Practice MCQs (Answers) for Class 12 1. (d) 0.02  2. (d) 0.1 M Aluminium nitrate 3. (c) Boiling Point Increases and Freezing Point Decreases 4. (a) Urea 5. (d) Potassium sulphate 6. (c) Concentration of solute particles 7. (a) Osmotic pressure 8. (b) Flow of solvent particles, from solvent to solution through SPM 9. (a) Calcium chloride 10. (c) There is no flow of water 11. (a) Increasing temperature of the solution 12. (a) The enthalpy of mixing is zero…

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Chemistry Practice MCQs for Class 12 Chemistry Practice MCQs for Class 12 1. NaCl is 100 % ionized in a 0.01 molal aqueous solution. Hence the ratio of elevation in boiling point to molal elevation constant is: (a) 0.01 (b) 0.015 (c) 0.0175 (d) 0.02 2. Which has the highest boiling point: (a) 0.1 M Sodium sulphate (b) 0.1 M glucose (c) 0.1 M Magnesium chloride (d) 0.1 M Aluminium nitrate 3. What is the effect of the addition of sugar on the boiling and freezing point of water (a) Both Boiling Point and Freezing Point Increases (b) Both…

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In this post students will get the answers for the post Practice MCQs Chemistry Class 12 – Solid State and p – Block Elements. The link for the questions is also given at the beginning as well as at the end of the post To Get Questions Click Here Practice MCQs (Answers) Chemistry Class 12 Ans 1. (d) Molecular crystal Ans 2. (d) 1/8 part Ans 3. (a) 32 % Ans 4. (b) 1 Ans 5. (d) 12 Ans 6. (c) 1/8, ½ Ans 7. (b) Edge centre and body centre Ans 8. (b) X4Y5 Ans 9. (a) XY3…

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Dear students solve these questions and then check your score. To get answers for the post Practice MCQs Chemistry Class 12 – Solid State and p – Block click the link given at the end of the post Practice MCQs Chemistry Class 12 Practice MCQs Chemistry Class 12 Que 1. Solid carbon dioxide is an example of (a) Ionic crystal (b) Covalent crystal (c) Metallic crystal (d) Molecular crystal Que 2. In a simple cubic unit cell, an atom at the corner contributes to the unit cell (a) 1 part (b) 1/2 part (c) 1/4 part (d) 1/8 part Que…

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